Dog trains man

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Head Of The Snake

Leave it !!!

My heart skipped a beat when I realized what Tilde was sniffing. We just got out the door for a walk and hadn't even reached the end of the driveway when she noticed something and rushed over for a sniff. It was a viper - the common European viper, or adder - the only venomous snake living in Denmark.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Hovawart That Won't Wart

After two busy weeks in which an army of workers, inspectors, real-estate agents and curious neighbors visited our house, I am now one hundred percent sure. Tilde will never display any behavior of a guarding dog. She officially now is the Hovawart, that won't "wart".

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Furry Surprise

I had forgotten all about Kenzo's green stretch-leash. Yet there it was, hanging on a hook behind the kitchen's back door. I slowly reached out my hand as if it was a sacred object. I had forgotten all about it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Victory Parade Of A Lovewart

For a Hovawart, Tilde is ridiculously happy for people. When we meet new people, you would expect at least some reservation while her Hovawart mind is balancing the "friend or foe" scale. Alright, I admit, she does bark a little at people she sees on the road, but as soon as they enter our driveway her tail starts to wag. I am not sure if she actually thinks the barking helps to invite people inside.
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