Dog trains man

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Run, Kenzo, Run!

It is such a beautiful sight. To see Kenzo run. After last month's failed attempt, we made some great progress. There is still a small limp sometimes, but he can correct it himself now, by choosing another pace, or with my help through some stretching. And we don't leave the door before we have done our warning-up.

I also saw him do his special prancing pony imitation again. A wonderful sight.

He needs to pick up a whole lot more power and endurance to become his old self completely. But that's the easy part, it just means exercise, exercise and exercise. It will not be long now, before he can give Tilde a run for her money.

The last couple of months we went through hell and back again. I totally underestimated what it meant, to recover from a tendon injury like this, both physically as well as mentally. But I can write about that later, first we are going to run some more !


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