Dog trains man

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kenzo's Song

Sweethearts have songs. Me and Merete have one. And yes, me and Kenzo have one too. It usually is a song from when you first met, but theirs came later, first after Viva taught me how to chase sunsets and Kenzo showed me how to live from day to day.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Tilde Has HD and Why I Don't Freak Out About It

Tilde has Hip Dysplasia. It's bad news I could have done without. With that said, knowing her background as a rescue from the notorious Hovawart puppy mill, it doesn't surprise me. When we adopted Tilde, I knew the risk.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

To Live a Lifetime

It seems like yesterday a puppy/youngster came charging in to the shelter's yard and I saw her with my own eyes for the first time. The storm called Tilde; my first impression of her character and spirit, which still holds today.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Must Run

I thought it would be good with a rest day. Now don't worry, but Tilde seemed to slightly hurt her left hind leg yesterday. With nothing broken, stretched or otherwise kaputt, it's still good to take it slow for a couple of days.

At least that was the plan, but with Tilde, you never know.
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