Dog trains man

Friday, February 17, 2017

Happy 4th Tilde

Dear Tilde,

You are four years young today. Yes, really.

Monday, February 13, 2017


"Look! It's a Hovawart!"

The comment of the group took me by surprise. Not many recognize a Hovawart, and in Denmark, even fewer do.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Sharing Moments With A Friend

We're back at the West-coast after spending two weeks at home in Copenhagen. Walking the old neighborhood reunited Tilde with many of the friends she was used to meet almost every day.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Is She Friendly?

It was such a great question, "Is she friendly?" I just had it difficult to find the right answer for the family of four and their Golden Retriever to describe Tilde, my Hovawart, best.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hovawart TV: When Friends Meet Again

They hadn't seen each other in a while, Tilde and Emil. The joy of their reunion was contagious.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Don't Be A Stranger

The windchill of a strong breeze instantly dropped the temperature even further below zero. The sun composed a scenery worthy of a beautiful day in Summer and only the freezing cold reminded me we were in the heart of Winter.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Welcome, Maybe

Who's visiting?

We were preparing the guest room, and Tilde knows what that means. The anticipation of guests arriving thrilled her. Or was it skepticism, as she wasn't involved in the invitation?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hovawart TV: Beach Blooper

My famous last words: "Come down to the beach Tilde!"


Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Hovawart Was Born After All

The three of us reached a clearing in the forest we were hiking. Tilde, Dok-dek, and me. Dok-dek was our guest on the West-coast for the week, to escape the noise of the New Year's celebratory fireworks of the city. It was freezing cold, -5 C with a sturdy breeze. The clearing we entered offered no refuge for the sudden drop in temperature caused by the wind chill. I put my hat back on, looked down in an attempt to keep the wind out of my face and stepped up the pace to reach the other side of the clearing.

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Mighty Hunter

While we walked past some bushes along the trail it was as if a fish hook had caught Tilde's nose. In a split-second she made a sharp, almost cat-like turn. Her head positioned perfectly aligned with her body. Her intense facial expression and the focus in her eyes left no doubt. She was on a hunt, but what? and where? I looked around me but couldn't see anything, until a dark shadow jumped out of the small bush right in front of me and made me look down.


Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Wild Thing And The Distinguished Gentleman

When Tilde and me were driving on our way to meet Baxter the Hovawart I was filled with anticipation. Baxter would be one of the few 13½ year aged Hovawarts I would have the privilege of meeting face to face.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Lost Grandchild, Tilde's Roots

Family: Tilde, Eska, and Candi
Standing in front of the gate I thought it was just how I imagined the place would look like. A painting of rural contentment, with a lot of land, animals, and patrolled by two Hovawarts. In many ways, it embodied the Hovawart dream, the medieval tale of the "Hofwart" alive in modern times.


Friday, October 21, 2016

You Get The Hovawart You Want

"Tilde!" A handful of sand hit me on the back of my head, and I felt it seeping down my neck where it changed the inside of my jacket's color into a piece of sandpaper. I reached out for Tilde, who was digging a sandpit behind me, when the next salvo hit my outreached hand and the sand continued its path up my sleeve.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Head Of The Snake

Leave it !!!

My heart skipped a beat when I realized what Tilde was sniffing. We just got out the door for a walk and hadn't even reached the end of the driveway when she noticed something and rushed over for a sniff. It was a viper - the common European viper, or adder - the only venomous snake living in Denmark.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Hovawart That Won't Wart

After two busy weeks in which an army of workers, inspectors, real-estate agents and curious neighbors visited our house, I am now one hundred percent sure. Tilde will never display any behavior of a guarding dog. She officially now is the Hovawart, that won't "wart".

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Victory Parade Of A Lovewart

For a Hovawart, Tilde is ridiculously happy for people. When we meet new people, you would expect at least some reservation while her Hovawart mind is balancing the "friend or foe" scale. Alright, I admit, she does bark a little at people she sees on the road, but as soon as they enter our driveway her tail starts to wag. I am not sure if she actually thinks the barking helps to invite people inside.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Wet Feet

Walking with Tilde on the beach is a wonderful thing.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tilde Meets the Parents

Tilde has to be a little more patient for her little sister to arrive, but that didn't stopped us from meeting both aspiring parents, Joy and Asterix. We first met with Joy for a good beach walk, and after a break, for a walk in Kenzo's Valley. One week later, we would also meet Asterix, at a dog show.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lost In Translation

Tilde isn't spayed. I prefer not to interfere with her hormonal balance, and although it does have some disadvantages health-wise there are equal advantages as well, which makes the choice not as clear cut as it maybe once was.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Boring My Dog To Success

In our last post you could see in this video how Tilde showed some impulse control. It took a very long time to train her, which is entirely my fault, and this is why.
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