Dog trains man

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Wild Bunch

Today I tried to take a walk alone with Tilde. Being just the two of us would allow for a longer walk and, with all the time which goes into puppy Zerline, she would appreciate some alone quality time with me.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Hovawart TV: Digging A Team

When you dig as a team you can get deeper and move more sand when you work together. Trying to own the pit won't give any progress, and practicing dry breaststroke swims in it won't either. To dig, in itself, is the goal. Tilde seems to get that. But can she teach puppy Zerline to dig in the same direction?

Monday, June 5, 2017

Visiting The Puppies

Zerline "uit de Groetpolder"

After one and a half year of searching, waiting, and hoping, the day was finally there. I was about to lay my eyes on our new aspiring family member for the first time. Tilde's upcoming little sister.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Having Fun Is Not Optional

Last Saturday, Emil was our guest. It was a lot to take in for him, being away from his "mom" and caretaker, Dina, for a whole day.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hovawart TV: A Farewell To Winter

With Winter officially ending, so does our Winter adventure on the West-coast.

It is isolated on the West-coast this time of year. Shops and restaurants close. Tourists leave. Roads even close. Most locals close off their cottages too, as they are not build to withstand the cold of Winter when the relentless forces of nature reveal themselves and storms and freezing rain-showers batter the West-coast to change it into a barren wasteland.

In other words, perfect for a man and his dog.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hovawart TV: When Friends Meet Again

They hadn't seen each other in a while, Tilde and Emil. The joy of their reunion was contagious.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hovawart TV: Beach Blooper

My famous last words: "Come down to the beach Tilde!"


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Hovawart TV: Pinch Me, Is This Tilde?

If you read this blog long enough, you know Tilde is a guarantee for mischief, exuberant behavior and in general, being the opposite of a well-behaved dog.

Impulse control isn't something you would expect to be a part of her skill-set.

Here is some proof of the opposite.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hovawart TV: Lamb Love

Warning! Cuteness Alert!

And? Did you say "awww....." ?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tilde's Paradise Shelter Days Caught On Camera

I mentioned it before. The shelter did an excellent job socializing Tilde. My little princess herself is living proof of that.

And now I have got my hands on some video clips to give a small peak into Tilde's shelter life, and what they did to socialize her!

Have a look, and see if you can find Tilde The Puppy between all the dogs:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hovawart TV: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

Bard - the Herd-Wart - is brave enough to explore the mysteries of cat body language.

She does love you, Bard. It is a cat thing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hovawart TV: The Herd-Wart

Bard wants to be a Herd-Wart. And he is not doing bad at all for a Hovawart!


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hovawart TV: Boxing Match

Ladies and Gentlemen. In the left corner, weighing 78 pounds, Kenzo! And in the right corner, weighing only 56 pounds ... Tilde!


Friday, January 24, 2014

Hovawart TV: Need For Speed

The scenery of the Swiss Alps might be distracting as they flash by.

If your dog had a bucket list, would this be on it?

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hovawart TV: Grey Muzzle

There is something beautiful about a grey muzzle...

Like wrinkles, it should merely indicate where the smiles have been. - (a slightly altered quote from Mark Twain).

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hovawart TV: Puppy Avalanche

Ready? ... Set ... avalanche!

Now get that smile off your face!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hovawart TV: Scuba-Wart

Probably the most busy Hovawart among us, Kim, takes some time off from housekeeping and rescuing, and goes scuba diving:

Tea Vardjan's video collection featuring Kim is some of the best Hovawart TV out there, and there is a lot more on her youtube channel. Ski-ing, diving, searching, you name it. Check it out, you'll love it.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Hovawart TV: Day At The Beach

Kenzo ... excuse me ... Kenzo "Jay M." the Hovawart ... is sooo jealous right now:


Friday, September 6, 2013

Hovawart TV: Best Friends

I know. I featured a video of a Hovawart and a cat playing before. I can't help myself, it is just too cute:


Saturday, August 31, 2013

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